The rise of digital campfires

The Internet is a vast and diverse place filled with tons of different sites and spaces for various interests. It would be foolish to assume that your target demographic spends all of their time on the same sites or that they enjoy being on platforms that are filled with hundreds of thousands of other people. 

In fact, most people are searching for just the opposite. They want spaces where they feel they can connect with others, have a voice, and feel involved. Digital campfires are a great way to achieve this exact problem. Digital campfires offer an intimate, less-crowded place for your potential customers to congregate. This allows businesses to understand their core customers' behavior, including their wants, needs, struggles, and worries.

Why would a business want to create a digital campfire?

Years ago, marketers could create any type of advertisement for print or television for their brand and called it a day. They knew they would reach a broad audience, so they believed their marketing was working well. However, with the vast number of social media and online interactions happening on a daily basis, it's essential to have a different strategy to reach your audience.

When a business has a digital campfire, they can see into the mind of the audience they want to market to. Having an intimate space to share thoughts and information can provide businesses the information they need to create the right services and products that fit with this ideal audience. 

When a business has a digital campfire, they can see into the mind of the audience they want to market to.

Connection is everything in this new era

More people are trying to seek a more intimate online experience to connect to like-minded individuals. Digital Campfires provide a more intimate environment where smaller groups of people can bond over shared interests or goals. These private communities feature characteristics that they cannot find on a traditional social media platform, such as private messaging, micro-communities, shared experiences, and truthful content to help bond them over the shared topics.

When marketers can get to the heart of the campfire, they can learn so much more about their audience members. No longer should you base your marketing on simple demographics like age, race, or gender. Instead, take the time to understand your audience and their everyday habits, including how they interact with others, consume media content, and the style of communication they prefer. All of this information can help you learn how to communicate with them better.

In conclusion, creating multiple campfires has its benefits

By either joining private communities on Declaration or creating your own, you're able to get to know your target audience or learn more about a specific niche of people. Some examples might include investment groups, animal groups, or certain qualifier groups, such as a minimum income level. 

If you value quality connections with the people who add value to your life and make you a better person on this planet, you may want to consider testing the Declaration platform out for yourself. Sign up today to either join a community or create a community on the Declaration platform.


Yogi Naraine

The founder of Declaration. Helping people succeed faster by giving them the tools to learn from those who came before.


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